Friday, February 6, 2009


Guess what? It's wet outside. I'm waiting for the sun. Was about 63 degrees the other day so I actually had to stop the car to run back in the house to get my sunglasses for the first wearing of the year. So fun to put on sunglasses. It's the little things in life...Took my convertible (vette) out the other day with a down parka and scarf-should have worn a face mask.
We leave for NY for a Valentine's Day treat (brr) on Friday the 13th. (Better update my will.) Taking the kids-I guess they are still kids- they are 16,17,18,18. I made a crafty card for everyone using paint and glitter and a personal tidbit of wisdom for each. I love Valentine's Day. I can't sleep for worrying about Payton Frances. I'm getting better at praying.